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Stephen Jones

Stephen has lived in many different countries since leaving England in 1986 travelling for work and education. He studied in Scotland, Rome and the USA before returning to London after 33 years abroad. He undertook further training at the Heatherley School of Fine Art and was awarded a scholarship by the Worshipful Company of Painter-Stainers to complete a Post-Diploma in Figurative Painting.


Stephen’s practice is now based in London and Shepperton and he works in oils and multimedia focusing around postmodern figurative subjects. His recent works - a series of 6 paintings under the banner of “ICONOCLAST" - reconcile his many experiences and cultural influences, and fully capture influences of pre and post Cezanne, as well as the past 40+ years of postmodernism. His inspiration has always started with a character, usually an image or occasionally a statement or literary work. It is the person that populates his creativity, driving an associated theme or thought that is evoked or represented. His recent works have allowed for greater creative freedom, without concern for explicit narrative.


His work has been exhibited in Italy, USA and the UK, and can be found in many private collections internationally.


Website: www.jonesstephenart.com

Mobile: 07565 908092

Email: stephenjones60@me.com