Hall Hire Members' Area

Painter-Stainers' Craft Awards 2024

On March 11th the Painter-Stainers joined 17 Livery Companies at Mansion House to participate in the Master Certificate Awards Ceremony for the first time.

The Master Certificate Scheme celebrates excellence, encourages career progression and recognises the very highest levels of skill and experience within industry and profession. 

Certificates are awarded at Apprentice, Journeyman and Master levels. 

Submissions were sought from our Company Painter & Decorators and two worthy candidates were chosen by a selection panel - Joseph Powell (Apprentice) and Francesca Fordham (Journeyman).  They joined 62 other awards winners in the Egyptian Hall at Mansion House to be formally presented with their certificates by The Lord Mayor Michael Mainelli. The Lady Mayoress and Sheriff Masojada were also present, and there was a reception afterwards with award winners celebrating with their guests, employers and Masters.

Going forward painters and decorators outside the Company will be encouraged to submit candidates.